Thursday, August 27, 2009

Health Care Town Hall Meeting

WHAT: Health Care Town Hall Meeting
WHEN: September 2nd, 6:00 p.m.-8:00p.m.
WHERE: Holiday Inn El Paso Airport

Grass Roots El Paso will be hosting a Town Hall Meeting on Health Care Reform on September 2nd at 6pm, at the Holiday Inn El Paso Airport. Featured speakers will include Mr. Hank Hernandez, CEO of Las Palmas Medical Center; Mr. James N. Valenti, President & CEO, University Medical Center of El Paso; Mr. John Harris, President & CEO of Sierra Providence Health Network.

This is also an opportunity for the community to hear the viewpoint of three CEO’s of El Paso hospitals, and to ask questions and learn more about health care reform.

In order to make a positive change in the El Paso area, Grass Roots El Paso strives to provide information and educate the voters of El Paso on issues that will help our community prosper. Through town hall meetings we are able to facilitate useful information that will provide for more educated votes at the ballot box; regardless of party affiliations.

New Hours of Operation At Recreation Centers and Senior Centers

New Hours of Operation
Effective September 1, 2009
At Recreation Centers and Senior Centers

WHO: El Paso Parks and Recreation Department

WHAT: Hours of Operation

WHEN: Effective September 1, 2009

WHERE: Recreation and Senior Centers Throughout City

The City of El Paso Parks and Recreation Department centers will have new hours of operation effective September 1.

Senior Centers will now be open 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Attached are the hours of operation for the 15 Recreation Centers. The (CAT.) listing in the chart attached is a column that shows the category listing of the size of each Recreation Center.

A – Large Recreation Center

B – Medium Recreation Center

C - Small Recreation Center

The hours of operation will go into effect on September 1.

Human Cases of West Nile Virus on the Rise

El Paso, Texas – El Paso County has reported its fifth human case of West Nile Virus (WNV), the El Paso Department of Public Health announced today.

The first two human cases of West Nile were reported earlier this month. The three most recent cases involve individuals, who reside in the 79932, 79938 and the 79936 Zip codes.
West Nile Virus is spread to humans through the bite of an infected mosquito; mosquitoes can become infected by biting a bird that carries the virus. The virus is not spread through person-to-person contact, or directly from birds to humans.
In most cases, people who are infected with West Nile Virus never become sick, or have only mild symptoms, though an infection can lead to severe illness. Symptoms of a West Nile Virus infection are flu-like and include; fever, headache, body aches, and in some cases skin rash and swollen lymph glands. Though a person of any age may become infected, the elderly and infants are the most susceptible to the West Nile Virus. If you suspect you have been infected with West Nile you should seek medical assistance.
To protect our citizens and provide a coordinated response against the West Nile Virus, the Department of Public Health has reported the human cases of WNV to the city’s El Paso Environmental Services Department.
The Environmental Services Department oversees the city’s Code Compliance Division, which conducts mosquito abatement in El Paso County through its vector control program.
Mosquito breeding should be reported to the Code Compliance Division at (915) 774-4500. For more information about the West Nile Virus citizens should call 2-1-1.
Preventing Mosquito Bites and Mosquito Breeding

Avoid outdoor activities at dusk and dawn, which is when mosquitoes are most active.
Cover up with shoes, socks, long pants and long-sleeved shirts if you plan to be outdoors, especially during the periods when mosquitoes are most active.
Use mosquito repellant containing DEET on exposed skin and spray clothing with repellent since mosquitoes may bite through thin clothing. Remember to always follow label directions when using insect repellents.
Eliminate stagnant water from containers around your property, such as flower pots.
Frequently change the water in birdbaths, pet water bowls and wading pools. Mosquitoes use water-holding containers to lay their eggs.
Repair holes on window and door screens. Remember to make sure door seals are secure.
Do not over-irrigate your farmland or property as this allows water to stagnate and mosquitoes to breed.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Call for Art Vendors Chalk the Block Public Art Festival

Saturday September 19, 2009

The City of El Paso Museums and Cultural Affairs Department is accepting applications for Art Vendors for the 2009 Chalk the Block event to be hosted September 19, 2009. Applications are available at the MCAD offices at City Hall, 2 Civic Center Plaza-1st Floor, El Paso, TX, 79901. Applications can also be emailed upon request at or 915-541-4280.

Artists interested in displaying and selling their wares should obtain an application and return to the MCAD offices by September 3, 2009. Artists will be notified by September 9th if they have been selected as a vendor for Chalk the Block.

This year's celebration will include a unique inflatable art exhibit, Light as Air, a skate park, KIDZONE, interactive chalk art, live music and so much more!! Please visit for event information. The Light as Air pieces will be hosted at four locations downtown.

For more information call Dawn Thurmond at (915) 541-4481 or visit

Friday, August 21, 2009

Only two weeks left for Outdoor Pools

Last day to swim in Outdoor Pools is Labor Day, September 7, 2009

WHO: El Paso Parks and Recreation Department

WHAT: Aquatics Schedules for this week and Labor Day Weekend

WHEN: Over the next two weekends

WHERE: Area Aquatics Centers

These are the last two weekends for swimming availability at area outdoor Parks and Recreation Aquatic Centers.

The indoor pools will continue to be open year round.

Attached are the schedules for swim activity at both indoor and outdoor swimming pools.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Lunch Time Stories at San Jacinto Plaza

This week Joe Sierra

Enjoy your lunch in the shade at San Jacinto Plaza with friends and discuss El Paso of yesterday and today. The Lunch Time Stories at the Park will be at 12 Noon this Thursday, August 20, 2009 under the large pine tree at San Jacinto Plaza in downtown El Paso.

The weekly event will be held every Thursday, through October 29, 2009 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Speakers this year will include entrepreneurs along with various community and business leaders.

The featured speaker this week will be Joe Sierra, discussing the Ysleta Del Sur Pueblo and the “History of the Pueblo People”.

The Lunch Time Stories at the Park event is in coordination with the Small Business Administration, Central Business Association and the City of El Paso Parks and Recreation Department.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Prostate Cancer Month - Free Prostate Screening

Free Prostate Screening - In recognition of Prostate Cancer Month Providence Memorial Hospital and Sierra Providence East Medical Center will be conducting complimentary screenings at both locations on Sept 2nd from 8am to 11:30 at PMH and Sept 19th from 8am to 11:00 SPEMC . A Urologist will conduct a digital exam, lab will draw and complete a PSA study. For scheduling your appointment please call (915) 577-SPHN (7746).

Friday, August 14, 2009

Applications Available for 2010 Seasons of Music Under the Stars and Alfresco! Fridays

The Museums and Cultural Affairs Department (MCAD) encourages local and touring musical talent to apply for the 27th Season of Music Under the Stars. Local musical talent also can also apply to perform for during the 2010 Season of Alfresco! Fridays.

Applications may be accessed via the internet at, or picked up at the MCAD office located at City Hall, 2 Civic Center Plaza, El Paso, Texas 79901 – First Floor. Applications can be submitted beginning now until October 31, 2009. All applications must be postmarked by deadline. Incomplete and late applications will not be considered.

Applicants will be scored by a panel of El Paso residents to create a pool of eligible talent to perform at one of the summer concerts. Only the top scoring talent will form part of the talent pool. The submission of audio tracks and collateral marketing material, along with the application, is highly encouraged as these will guide panelists in their scoring. MCAD will then work with the pool of talent to program the 2010 seasons for both summer concert series. Applicants will be notified if they are eligible to perform by December 31st, 2009.

Music Under the Stars brings to El Pasoans and its visitors a variety of rhythms, styles and musical influences. Over 100,000 concertgoers enjoy a family friendly event at the Chamizal National Memorial from mid June to mid August. Both, local and touring musical talent are invited to apply.

Alfresco! Fridays features the best of El Paso’s local talent. Held at Arts Festival Plaza, Alfresco! Fridays is the best way to get the weekend started in Downtown El Paso. Local musical talent is invited to apply.

For additional information call or visit the City of El Paso Museums and Cultural Affairs Department at (915) 541-4481 or log onto or email

IMAX Theater Temporarily Closes For Maintenance

The Clyde W. Tombaugh IMAX Dome Theater will be closed August 19 through August 21 for repairs and maintenance. “We’re sorry for the inconvenience,” said Museum Marketing Director Cathy Harper, “but this is necessary work for the continued enrichment and enjoyment of our audience.” The theater will reopen on Saturday, August 22, and will feature “Sharks” and “Destiny in Space”.
"The stunning images in SHARKS really place you in the middle of the colorful undersea world. Along with incredible shark encounters, audiences get up close with sea lions, are surrounded by huge schools of fish and get so near to manta rays and jellyfish swimming past that they can reach out and touch them! SHARKS isn’t just a movie, it’s an exhilarating experience!” said Harper.
“Destiny in Space” is a showcase of the daily lives of astronauts in space, as they fix instruments and take measurements. The film includes two space shuttle launches and several cargo bay scenes, including an astronaut repairing the Hubble space telescope. CGI recreations of the surface of Venus and Mars are also featured. The film looks at the future of human space exploration and what future generations might accomplish in the years to come.
For more information, contact the New Mexico Museum of Space History, a division of the NM Department of Cultural Affairs, at 575-437-2840 or toll free 1-877-333-6589, or visit our website at

The City of El Paso Needs Your Input

Community Meetings for the
Five-Year Consolidated Plan (2010-2015)

WHO: City of El Paso’s Department of Community and Human Development

WHAT: Community Meetings to Receive Input for the
Five-Year Consolidated Plan (2010-2015)

WHEN/WHERE: Listed Below

The Department of Community and Human Development is in the process of developing the Five-Year Consolidated Plan (2010-1015) for the City of El Paso. In this plan, we must identify community needs and priorities and discuss how we will address them over the course of the next five years.

City Council will use this Five-Year Consolidated Plan to help decide how to best use grant funding received from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) during the next five-years. Therefore, we need input from the community in order to identify needs and priorities to include in the Plan.

The Department of Community and Human Development receives the following entitlement grants from HUD: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG); Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG); HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Grant; and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Grant. These grants fund numerous programs and neighborhood improvements that improve the quality-of-life of low-to-moderate income families in El Paso.
Please attend a meeting listed below to give us your input:

6:00 P.M. - Wednesday, August 26
Grandview Senior Center
3134 Jefferson

Lower Valley/Eastside:
6:00 P.M. - Tuesday, August 25
Non-Profit Enterprise Center
1359 Lomaland, Suite 507

Westside :
6:00 P.M. - Thursday, August 27
Westside Regional Command Center
4801 Osborne Dr.