Monday, September 28, 2009

El Paso Reports First West Nile Infection Fatality of 2009

Citizens Urged to Take Precautions to Prevent Mosquito Bites

El Paso, Texas – The City of El Paso Department of Public Health today
announced that a 73-year-old woman from East El Paso County is the first West
Nile Virus-related fatality of 2009.
There were no West Nile Virus (WNV) fatalities reported last year. There have
been 17 confirmed cases of West Nile-related human illness in El Paso County
to date.
“We extend our condolences to the woman’s loved ones,” said Michael Hill,
director of the Department of Public Health. “This sad and unfortunate loss of
life is a sobering reminder to us all that the West Nile Virus can lead to serious
West Nile Virus is spread to humans through the bite of an infected mosquito;
mosquitoes can become infected by biting a bird that carries the virus. The virus
is not spread through person-to-person contact, or directly from birds to
In most cases, people who are infected with West Nile Virus never become sick,
or have only mild symptoms, though an infection can lead to severe illness.
Symptoms of a West Nile Virus infection are flu-like, and include fever,
headache, body aches, and in some cases skin rash and swollen lymph glands.
Though a person of any age may become infected; the elderly and infants are
the most susceptible to the West Nile Virus. If you suspect you have been
infected with West Nile you should seek medical assistance.
To protect our citizens and provide a coordinated response against the West
Nile Virus, the city’s El Paso Environmental Services Department is continuing
to aggressively address mosquito abatement.

For more information about the West Nile Virus citizens should, call 2-1-1.
Mosquito breeding should be reported to the Code Compliance Division of the
Environmental Services Department at (915) 774-4500.

Preventing Mosquito Bites and Mosquito Breeding
• Avoid outdoor activities at dusk and dawn, which is when mosquitoes are
most active.
• Cover up with shoes, socks, long pants and long-sleeved shirts if you plan to
be outdoors, especially during the periods when mosquitoes are most active.
• Use mosquito repellant containing DEET on exposed skin and spray
clothing with repellent since mosquitoes may bite through thin clothing.
Remember to always follow label directions when using insect repellents.
• Eliminate stagnant water from containers around your property, such as
flower pots.
• Frequently change the water in birdbaths, pet water bowls and wading pools.
Mosquitoes use water-holding containers to lay their eggs.
• Repair holes on window and door screens. Remember to make sure door
seals are secure.
• Do not over-irrigate your farmland or

Friday, September 25, 2009

El Paso, TX H1N1 Update

Department of Public Health Addresses H1N1 Preparedness Efforts

El Paso, Texas – The City of El Paso Department of Public Health is taking numerous steps to prepare for what could be a very active fall flu season with both Influenza H1N1 (2009) virus and seasonal influenza circulating in the community at the same time.
To fight the flu, the Department of Public Health is recommending: vaccination; everyday preventive actions including frequent hand washing and staying home when sick; and the correct use of antiviral drugs if your doctor recommends them.
With both the H1N1 and the seasonal flu vaccines, individuals will be able to receive them through their doctor’s offices and other medical providers that traditionally offer seasonal flu vaccines.
Supplies of the seasonal flu vaccine and the H1N1 flu vaccine have been ordered for city-operated clinics. The city health centers began distributing the season flu vaccine earlier this month. The H1N1 flu vaccine is expected to be available sometime after the middle of October.
Initially, the H1N1 vaccine will be reserved for people at greatest risk for H1N1 flu infection or serious complications. These groups include; children, young adults age 19-24, pregnant women, people age 25-64 with chronic health conditions, caretakers of infants less than 6 months of age, and healthcare and emergency medical services personnel. After the high-risk groups have been vaccinated, city-operated clinics will make the vaccine available to the general public.
Other Department of Public Health preparedness and response efforts underway include:
• Continuing to collaborate with public health partners on H1N1 influenza surveillance, mitigation and communications
• Providing K-12 schools, institutions of higher education, businesses and employers with guidance on how to reduce exposure and transmission of the H1N1 flu and how to handle potential outbreaks
• Partnering with the state and the community-based organizations to develop a process for providing families, who don’t have health insurance or are underinsured with access to vaccines and antiviral medication.
• Calling on individuals and families to plan for the fall flu season by taking steps to prevent the spread of the H1N1 flu, such as following basic public health practices and getting their flu vaccines.
To support the efforts and to reduce the illness and severity of H1N1 influenza, the department is creating an Epidemiological Response Team, who will investigate cases and advise families on appropriate care and treatment. It also has development of a Crisis and Emergency Risk Communications (or CERC) Team to assist with public outreach and to develop a special H1N1 website, which will be unveiled in October. The department is also in the process of hiring additional temporary staff for the laboratory and has ordered additional instrumentation to assist the laboratory staff in testing for H1N1 influenza.
Everyday Preventive Actions Against the Flu
• Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
• Wash your hands often with soap and water. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub.
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Germs spread this way.
• Try to avoid close contact with sick people.
• If you are sick with flu-like illness, CDC recommends that you stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever is gone, except to get medical care or for other necessities. (Your fever should be gone without the use of a fever-reducing medicine.) Keep away from others as much as possible. This is to keep from making others sick.
• While sick, limit contact with others to keep from infecting them.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Conference Aims to Increase Teacher Retention by Supporting New Teachers

With thousands of educators leaving the profession, the University of Texas at El Paso is working to motivate new teachers to stay in the classroom throughthe 5th annual “A Better Beginning Conference.”

The conference will be from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 26, in the Tomás Rivera Conference Room, 3rd floor, Union Building East.

The latest figures from the Texas Education Agency show more than 30,000 teachers left the profession in 2008.

In El Paso, the Center for Teaching Quality reports that approximately 14 percent of teachers with less than two yearsofexperiencedropped out of the classroom between 2004 and 2005.

The free conference, hosted by UTEP’s College of Education, will use various methods to mentor and support teachers who have been on the job three years or less.

Event organizers expect the largest group ever, with more than 400 educators and administrators participating in activities geared toward teacher success. They include sessions on parental involvement, teaching strategies, classroom managementand diversity. Speakers will also promote subjects such as science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

The event objectives are important to our community, said Josie Villamil Tinajero, Ed.D. dean of UTEP’s College of Education.

"The hope is that these beginning teachers will leave this event with an increased knowledge of teaching skills and activities for the classroom, as well as an enhanced desire to improve student learning and achievement while creating life-long career bonds with others,” Tinajero said.

The keynote speaker will be LouAnne Johnson, a former Marine officer who became a teacher and noted author of several books, including The New York Times bestseller My Posse Don’t Do Homework, the basis of the 1995 film Dangerous Minds. She is an ESL teacher with extensive time in the classroom, a passionate student advocate and an education consultant. She will speak at 8:30 a.m.

Each teacher who registers for the conference will receive a free copy of Johnson’s book, The Queen of Education: Rules for Making Schools Work.

The conference also boasts an interactive teleconference led by Michael Kolitsky, Ph.D., who teaches a distance learning course for UTEP from his home inNew Jersey. He will show educatorshow technology– and learning – can be fun, interactive and allow for global reach.

Carolyn Awalt, Ph.D., assistant professor of teacher educationat UTEP, will present information about NASA’s Space Camp, which she attended this summer, and the program’s teaching opportunities.

The conference will end with anawards luncheon, during whichtwo mentor teachers and two novice or innovative teachers will receive prestigious awards from UTEP’s College of Education.

The event is sponsored by UTEP’s College of Education, Boeing, State Farm Insurance, Teachers Federal Credit Union, and UTEP’s Teachers for a New Era and Project Action for Equity/Mother-Daughter programs.

For more information: Mary Ann Couvillion at or at 915-747-6072.

Monday, September 21, 2009

HAIL STORM - Key Tips for Hiring a Contractor

Hiring a contractor is a critical aspect in the home construction or improvement process. While most contractors provide professional and reliable services, the Development Services Department would like to offer some key tips in finding and hiring a contractor for a project to help avoid unfortunate circumstances.

When looking to hire a contractor, the community is encouraged to first contact the Development Services Department at (915) 541-4558 to see if a contractor is registered with the City. All contractors are required to have current licenses, bonds and insurance in order to be registered with the City. Keep in mind: If a homeowner is being asked by a contractor to seek a permit themselves or is told the price of the permit is less expensive if requested by a homeowner, it is possible the contractor is not registered with the City.

Additionally, asking family, friends or neighbors if they have ever worked with the contractor considered may be helpful. The public can also inquire with the Better Business Bureau to view available contractor ratings and any recorded complaints. Keep in mind: The Better Business Bureau website is or phone number (915) 577-0191.

It is also important to request at least three bids from different contractors for comparison purposes and to schedule an in-person interview. Identifying how long a contractor has been in business is often a good indicator of an established reputation.

Lastly, every agreement should be made in writing. The contractor’s information should be found on the contract along with the full scope of work, description of all items to be installed, a cancellation clause, a work schedule with start and completion dates and a payment schedule. Warranties should be present on the contract, and written warranties from the manufacturers of products being installed should also be requested. Periodic or partial payments as work progresses instead of complete payment up front are recommended.

Quick Checklist

Check a contractor’s registration with the Development Services Department by calling
(915) 541-4558
Check a contractor’s file with the Better Business Bureau at or by calling
(915) 577-0191
Interview the contractor in person and request references
Make sure the written contract is understood completely before signing
Do not make the final payment until the final inspection is approved and satisfaction is achieved

For more information, the public can contact the Development Services Department at 541-4622 or visit

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Letter to the Editor

I write this editorial to highlight an issue that was presented to the El Paso City Council on September 15, 2009. The issue regards the solid waste management fee implemented by the city of El Paso. It directs a garbage collection fee continue as long as the water bill is turned on (per El Paso City Municipal Code.) This issue affects every resident who ever wishes to move, sell or build a home in the City of El Paso.

I inquired about the reasoning behind the continued fee through my district representative. Ms. Ellen Smyth, P.E., Director of Environmental Services, responded that an audit revealed over $1 million dollars per year were not charged for solid waste service because property owners requested to have the fee turned off while away but would not turn the fee back on. She stated attachment of the fee to an active water meter was the only way to ensure proper payment from all residents. She also provided a list of tasks the garbage collection fee also funds which includes items such as graffiti and weed control, air quality, residential collection, drop-off sites and others.

This response blames the city’s revenue loss on homeowners. It implies attachment of the solid waste disposal fee to the water bill was implemented to avoid future revenue loss. Contrary to Ms. Smyth’s statements, this is not the only way. It is the easy way. The city does not receive proper payment. It is being overpaid by owners of vacant homes which require water service for various reasons.

Real estate consultation indicates homes are taking between 112 and 140 days to sell on average. On September 8th, over 2,100 vacant homes were on the market. Many likely have water service but no need for trash collection. The annual revenue building potential is enormous for the city.
Once garbage/recycle bins are removed by the city, billing should stop. The presence of city-provided bins at a home is a physical indicator that can, and should, trigger billing.
City staff officials argued that a new system could be too costly and may require another employee. My water bill clearly states I have an “extra” bin and am charged accordingly. Does the city employ another person to monitor all of the homes that have an extra garbage bin?
Ms. Smyth indicated the ongoing garbage collection fee charged to vacant homeowners whose bins have been picked up pays for other services, such as garbage drop off sites. Residents who turn off water and electric bills do not continue to be billed to maintain pipelines and water sources. This logic is not sound.

Twenty-five percent of our property taxes go directly to the city every year. In addition to the property tax, every commercial/residential property owner pays an environmental fee. Recycling, weed control and air quality maintenance sound like environmental issues that should be covered by the environmental fee, not a trash collection fee. What does the environmental fee fund?

Ms. Smyth presented 11 Texas Cities that link the garbage collection bill to active utility bills. There are many more cities than that in the vast state of Texas. Regardless, the current law is wrong. The argument that “everyone else is doing it” should not carry any weight.
The City Council voted unanimously to have a legislative review committee study the issue and provide a recommendation. Anything less than a “zero-bin zero-fee” resolution should not be accepted by El Paso City residents. If you agree, I invite you to go to the following link: and contact your district representative.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Heros 9/11 Lunch

FORT BLISS, TEXAS- In remembrance of 9/11, the Fort Bliss Stafford Dining
Facility will conduct a remembrance ceremony on Friday, Sept 11 from
11a.m.-11:20a.m., followed by a remembrance meal from 11:30a.m.-1:00p.m. The
meal price is $4.25 and is open to all members of the military, family
members, retirees and civilians.

The meal menu is:
Featured Entrées:
Grilled New York Strip Steak with Sautéed Mushrooms, Onions & Peppers,
Roasted Lamb Chops, Caramelized Apple Stuffed Pork Roulade, and Pan Seared
Salmon Side Items:
Lyonnais Potatoes, Couscous, Long Grain & Wild Rice, Simmered Asparagus,
Simmered Squash, Steamed Vegetable Medley and an assortment of Breads,
Salads, Fruits, Pastries, and Beverages Specialty Bar:
Pasta Bar with Assorted Toppings
Sandwich of the Day:
Philly Cheese Steak Sandwich

Personnel from the Fort Bliss and El Paso Fire Departments, the Fort Bliss
Military Police and the El Paso Police Department will be there along with
their equipment.

Come out and help remember our fallen comrades and our civilian service
support personnel that made the ultimate sacrifice to improve our quality of

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Mayor and First Lady to Feed the Homeless

WHO: Mayor John Cook and First Lady (Tram Cook)

WHAT: First Lady’s Program to Feed the Homeless – Monthly Dinner

WHEN: Sunday, September 13, 2009 at 5:00 p.m.

WHERE: La Posada Home
1020 N. Campbell
El Paso, TX 79903

WHY: This initiative started at the beginning of Mayor Cook’s tenure in an effort on behalf of the First Lady, Tram Cook, to give back to the community she has called home for over 30 years. The First Lady and several volunteers will prepare and serve a meal to 34 children and 18 adults within the El Paso area this Sunday. La Posada Home is a shelter for women and their children who are underserved and experiencing difficulty and homelessness. Previous dinners have been served at different locations such as the The Opportunity Center, The Salvation Army, Child Crisis Center of El Paso, Center Against Family Violence, La Evangelica Church, Sin Fronteras, La Posada Homes, the Ambrosio Guillen Texas State Veterans Home, the YWCA Sarah McKnight Transitional Living Center, Center for Children, Dame La Mano Pregnancy Crisis Center, Nazareth Hall Nursing Center, Christian Home, Lee & Beulah Moor Children's Home, The Reynold’s House, Villa Maria, Ronald McDonald House, Rescue Mission and a Thanksgiving Dinner for four consecutive years held at the El Paso Convention Center.

2009 Fall Art in the Park

Who: El Paso Parks and Recreation Department

What: Fall Art in the Park

When: Sept 19th & 20th, 2009 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m

Where: Memorial Park Reserve 1701 N. Copia

The City of El Paso Parks and Recreation Department will

be having the Fall Art in the Park on September 19 & 20 at the

Memorial Park Reserve 1701 N. Copia.

This is a handcrafted arts and crafts show, featuring live

entertainment, food for sale, and children’s entertainment.

This family oriented event has free Admission. Event

hours are 10a.m. to 6p.m. both days.

For more information please contact Eliseo Duran at

(915) 252-9031 or Sandy Rodriguez at (915) 240-3310.

Dog Day Swimming Event

At Nations Tobin Aquatic, 8831 Railroad Drive
September 12 and 13 (9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.)

Who: City of El Paso Parks and Recreation Department
El Paso Humane Society, Animal Rescue League,
From the Heart Rescue, New Hope Alliance and Pet’s Barn

What: Dog Day Swimming Event

When: September 12 and 13 (Saturday and Sunday)

Where: Nations Tobin Aquatic Center, 8831 Railroad Drive, El Paso, Texas

The City of El Paso Parks and Recreation Department will be hosting a Dog Swim Day at the Nations Tobin Aquatic Center, for $2.00 per dog (owners are free). The event will be on September 12 and 13 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. This is the second year of the event.

The Humane Society will also be offering micro-chipping for dogs at $15 per dog while supplies last and dogs will be available for adoption.

The Animal Rescue League will have dogs available for adoption for $125. From the Heart Rescue and New Hope Alliance will also have dogs available for adoption and Reid San will have a dog agility and obedience demonstration. The American Red Cross will have flyers about their Pet First Aid class.

For more information and or a list of rules for the event call Stacy Wright at the Aquatics office for the City Parks and Recreation Department at 544-3556 or go to

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Dogs Swim Day Rules

Owner Rules
Pet Owners are free admission into the Pool for Dog Swim Day

Must have paper proof of current vaccinations

Dogs must enter and exit on a leash

Please make sure your dog has used the restroom before entering the pool area

Owners are responsible for cleaning up after their dogs

No owners allowed in the pool

No doggie treats, we don’t want any upset tummies

Dogs must be within view and voice control of their owners at all times

Puppies are prohibited

Dog Rules
Each dog is a $2 admission Fee

No dog-fighting

No snarling or growling

Must wear your collar at all times

Please stay in the shallow pool

Dogs must play nicely

No female dogs in heat will be allowed

No barking at the lifeguards

A Pet’s Ten Commandments

1. My life is likely to last 10-15 years.
Any separation from you is likely to be painful.

2. Give me time to understand what you want of me.

3. Place your trust in me. It is crucial for my well-being.

4. Don't be angry with me for long and don't lock me up as punishment.
You have your work, your friends, your entertainment, but I have only you.

5. Talk to me. Even if I don't understand your words, I do understand your voice when speaking to me.

6. Be aware that however you treat me, I will never forget it.

7. Before you hit me, before you strike me, remember that I could hurt you, and yet, I choose not to bite you.

8. Before you scold me for being lazy or uncooperative, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I'm not getting the right food,
I have been in the sun too long, or my heart might be getting old or weak.

9. Please take care of me when I grow old. You too, will grow old.

10. On the ultimate difficult journey, go with me please. Never say you can't bear to watch. Don't make me face this alone. Everything is easier for me if you are there, because I love you so.

Sun Metro Detours Three Routes

El Paso, Texas—Mexican Independence Day celebrations will require Sun Metro Routes 8, 9 and 83 to detour beginning at 8 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 15 through Sept. 16.

Several streets around the San Jacinto Plaza will be closed off for the festivities. Sun Metro drivers will make courtesy stops along the detoured routes as required.

Route 8 Detour:
Buses traveling outbound, north on El Paso Street will turn left onto Franklin Avenue, left onto Santa Fe Street, left onto San Antonio Avenue returning to the regular route.

Route 9 Detour:
Buses traveling inbound, north on Stanton Street will turn right on Mills Avenue or Main Drive (depending on congestion), right on Kansas Street, right on Paisano Drive, left onto Stanton Street returning to the regular route.

Route 83 Detour:
Buses traveling outbound, east on Franklin Avenue will turn right on Kansas Street and right on Paisano Drive returning to the regular route.

For more information about Sun Metro routes, visit or call (915) 533-3333.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Mini-Sports indoor Soccer

Who: Kids 4-7 Years Old

What: Mini Sports indoor Soccer

When: Registration Now Open till September 15, 2009

Where: Veterans Recreation

Veterans Recreation Center is very proud to present Mini-Sports indoor Soccer to the El Paso Community. Registration is now open for children 4-7 years of age at $32 per child and parenting card at $5.00 per family. This league is a developmental league that will focus on getting children prepared for a healthy future in sports as well as in social development. Games will be played on Saturday 9: am to 2: pm at Veterans Park. Deadline to register will be Tuesday September 15, 2009. Season is tentatively set to begin Saturday September 26, 2009. Sign up at Veterans Recreation Center.

For more information, contact any of the following centers:

Veterans Rec. Center at (915) 821-8909,
5301 Salem Drive, El Paso Texas, 79924.

Sun Metro Invites UTEP Football Fans to Skip the Traffic and Ride the Bus

Miner football fans tired of battling traffic and hunting for a parking space can save time, money and hassle by parking at the Union Plaza Transit Terminal (UPTT), 400 W. San Antonio, and boarding Sun Metro’s SMART 101.

Fans can arrive to the game in style by parking at the UPTT for $5 and buy a round-trip bus pass for $2.50 (per person). Children 5 and under ride free, and must be accompanied by an adult.


Sun Metro drivers do not have access to change.

Sun Metro will begin taking fans to each UTEP home game from the UPTT two hours before kickoff. Miner fans will be dropped off at Sun Metro’s football bus stop located near the intersection of Robinson Avenue and Randolph Drive, adjacent to Memorial Gym.

Return trips will begin at the end of the 3rd quarter.

Before boarding the bus, riders are reminded of the following tips and policies:

Make sure you have your game tickets BEFORE you get on board
Food or beverages are NOT permitted on the bus
Boarding for return trips will be at the same dropped-off location near Memorial Gym

For more information about Sun Metro, visit or call (915) 533-3333.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

West Nile Virus Update

El Paso, Texas – The Code Compliance Division of the City of El Paso Environmental Services Department announced today that another pool of mosquitoes collected in West El Paso has tested positive for the West Nile virus.
The mosquito samples were collected in the Zip Code 79932 on Aug. 31, and shipped to the state for testing. The Texas Department of State Health Services today confirmed that the samples tested positive for the West Nile virus.
So far this year, six pools of mosquitoes collected in El Paso County have tested positive for the West Nile virus.

El Paso County has had 10 reported human case of the West Nile disease to date.

Code Compliance Inspectors assigned to vector control are applying pesticides to the neighborhood where the mosquitoes that tested positive for West Nile were collected. They will also aggressively treating areas throughout El Paso County where mosquitoes are likely to breed, such as reservoirs, culverts and ditches.

Citizens can do their share to help us prevent mosquito breeding by:

Removing any standing water they may have outside their homes and businesses.
Trimming the weeds and the vegetation on their property and nearby sidewalks, alleys and parkways. Tall weeds and grass serve as shelter for mosquitoes.
Getting rid of any tin cans, jars, plastic containers, plant pots and any other containers that can hold stagnant water.
Properly disposing of old tires.
Making sure roof gutters drain properly.
Keeping all swimming pools cleaned and chlorinated even if they are not being used.
Removing any standing water from culverts.
Storing plastic wading pools, buckets, barrels and wheelbarrows upside down so that the water cannot accumulate in them.
Frequently changing the water in birdbaths and pet dishes.
Aerating ornamental ponds or stock them with fish.
Keeping their yards trim. Weeds, tall grass and shrubbery provide an outdoor home for mosquitoes.

The public should call the Code Compliance Division at 774-4500 to report mosquito breeding sites.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Sun Metro Invites UTEP Football Fans to Skip the Traffic and Ride the Bus

Miner football fans tired of battling traffic and hunting for a parking space can save time, money and hassle by parking at the Union Plaza Transit Terminal (UPTT), 400 W. San Antonio, and boarding Sun Metro’s SMART 101.

Fans can arrive to the game in style by parking at the UPTT for $5 and buy a roundtrip bus pass for $2.50 (per person). Children 5 and under ride free, and must be accompanied by an adult. Bus fare for SMART 101 must be paid with exact change as riders board the bus.

Sun Metro will begin taking fans to each UTEP home game from the UPTT two hours before kickoff. Miner fans will be dropped off at Sun Metro’s football bus stop located near the intersection of Robinson Avenue and Randolph Drive, adjacent to Memorial Gym.

Return trips will begin at the end of the 3rd quarter.

Before boarding the bus, riders are reminded of the following tips and policies:

Make sure you have your game tickets BEFORE you get on board
Food or beverages are NOT permitted on the bus
Boarding for return trips will be at the same dropped-off location near Memorial Gym

For more information about Sun Metro, visit or call (915) 533-3333.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

YWCA Centennial Exhibition Prepares to Close September 16, 2009

The El Paso del Norte Region YWCA at 100: Empowered by the Past – Envisioning the Future exhibit currently at the El Paso Museum of History will close September 16, 2009. With great success the YWCA has provided insight into the YMCA’s leadership role in its pursuit to eliminate racism and empower women. Incorporating documents and artifacts from the YWCA’s archival collection, the exhibit focuses on the rich history of an organization that has adapted with the changing times to meet the needs of the community. The exhibit includes photographs, correspondence, minute books, and other artifacts that tell the story of how a group of visionary women in 1909 began an organization that is currently the largest YWCA in the United States.

Aviation Ground School for Kids

El Paso Museum of History
Saturday, September 26, 2009
1:00 PM to 4PM

Calling all kids aged nine and up! Here’s your chance to learn what flying is all about. The El Paso Museum of History invites you to experience a hands-on flight school taught by Suzanne Azar, Chief Flight Instructor at Blue Feather Flight School. In this three-hour session you learn about components of the aircraft, aerodynamics, instruments used in the cockpit, navigation, and what the requirements are to become a pilot. If you are a Boy or Girl Scout you can meet some of the requirements for your badge work!

In addition to being the first and only woman elected as Mayor of El Paso, Suzanne Azar is also the President of Blue Feather Aero, an aircraft refueling business. She owns nine aircraft and has flown everything from a 1956 Apache to a 690B Commander turboprop. Ms. Azar has been a pilot for 30 years. For 25 years she has been a flight instructor, earning the FAA’s “Gold Seal” flight instructor license. She is a member and past chair of the 99s, an organization founded by Amelia Earhart for women aviators.

This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about flying without ever leaving the ground and best of all, it is being offered for free.

Space is limited, so call now to make reservations.
For more information, call Sue Taylor at 351-3588 or email

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


“Energizing Volunteer Leaders of Today for Tomorrow”

FORT BLISS, Texas – Oct. 2, volunteer leaders of the Fort Bliss and El Paso communities will join together for a seminar on volunteer management to be held at the Centennial Club and Conference Center. The theme will be “Energizing Volunteer Leaders of Today for Tomorrow.”

Volunteer managers play a crucial role in volunteering. Both paid and unpaid volunteer managers recruit, train and coordinate the volunteers who improve communities through their selfless acts of service. The purpose of this seminar is to provide a fun-filled, engaging opportunity for volunteer leaders within the Fort Bliss and El Paso community to develop new skills in volunteer resource management, network with colleagues, and learn how new techniques can be integrated into their program to make it more effective, efficient and powerful.

One highlight of this year’s seminar is a keynote address by the First Latina chair of the Girl Scouts of the USA National Board, Patricia Diaz Dennis. Other highlights of the seminar are workshops on topics ranging from volunteer recruitment to marketing your volunteer program as well as exhibits from the Corporation for National and Community Service, nonprofit organizations and vendor booths.

This seminar comes at a time when our president has called on our country to renew our communities through service. This seminar will better prepare leaders of those who serve with the tools to ensure that their service is a success. The seminar will bring together participants from such groups as the American Red Cross, Fort Bliss family readiness groups, Humane Society and Army Community Service with one common goal: to find better ways to engage volunteers to improve our community.