Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Pride Day 2011

OCTOBER 15, 2011
7:30 a.m. to 12 Noon
Hosted by:
El Paso Police Foundation
Keep El Paso Beautiful
 EPPD Regional Command Centers
Citizen’s Advisory Boards
Pride Day is a city wide clean up event involving volunteers.  It is an opportunity to increase community pride, increase awareness regarding trash accumulation, and the importance of a clean and green environment.  
We invite you to mobilize and clean areas within your neighborhoods and communities. We also invite ALL schools, churches, civic and social groups, and ALL citizens to join us as we help to
KICK-Off Event, 5pm-7pm, Friday, October 14, 2011 Eastwood Park, 3001 Parkwood-Food is sponsored by Famous Dave’s Barbeque
For more information contact your nearest El Paso Police Department   Regional Command Center (RCC) or Keep El Paso Beautiful (KEPB):

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