Thursday, September 20, 2012

Next Steps in Ballpark Process

On Tuesday, September 18 City approved the following actions:

Lease between the City of El Paso and Mountain Star Sports Group, LLC 
Development agreement that outlines the plan/process that will take place to construct the ballpark 
Non-relocation agreement that clarifies that the team will not relocate for 25 years following the start of the first season
Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 017850 for the purpose of clarifying the ballot language regarding the Venue Project and Hotel Occupancy Tax Proposition
Ordinance amending Homestead exemption 
Resolution that authorizes the use of Construction Manager-at-Risk method for construction of the ballpark
Construction Manager-at-Risk allows the City, Construction Manager and Architect/Engineer to work as a unified team and has the potential to expedite construction schedules when established as the method that will produce the best value for a selected City project.  
Construction Manager-At-Risk Procurement Policy 

The next steps in the process are :
Finalize contract of purchase - 2 buildings and 1 parking area
801/811 Texas
300 North Campbell 
Parking lot - has two addresses because it is actually two parcels:  401 Mills (most used) and 400 East Main
      Design Architect Contract
Request For Qualifications (RFQ) received
Contract to Council end of October
Owner Representative Contract
This individual that will assist the City in working out ballpark construction issues
Issue RFQ by October
Construction Manager-at –Risk Contract
Issue RFQ by October
Create Demolition package
Prepare design/ specifications
Issue notice to proceed
Bid out contract for actual demolition
Create Utility relocation package
Prepare plan to relocate utilities on City hall site and in surrounding area
Relocation Process
Space planning at new locations in process
Complete timeline to move each floor/ department

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