Thursday, March 26, 2009

Statement by Gov. Rick Perry on the Obama Administration's Plan to Combat Mexican Drug Cartels

"Texas is pleased the Administration recognizes that securing the
U.S.-Mexico border is vitally important to public safety and homeland

"While we appreciate the additional investigative resources, what we really
need are more border patrol agents and officers at the bridges to conduct
increased northbound and southbound inspections, as well as additional
funding for local law enforcement along the border to deny Mexican drug
cartels access to the United States.

"I have asked the Administration for an immediate deployment of 1,000
additional National Guard troops to support civilian law enforcement and
border patrol agents and remain hopeful that we will get the resources we
need. The state of Texas will continue to fill in the gaps until the
federal government provides adequate resources necessary to secure our
border and protect our citizens from those seeking to do us harm."

Texas is currently spending $110 million to secure the Texas-Mexico border
and the governor has requested an additional $135 million from the Texas
Legislature to continue these border security efforts and combat
transnational gangs.

Please visit to view the letter Gov. Perry sent to
Secretary Napolitano on February 26, requesting National Guard troops.

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