Friday, November 20, 2009

japAN/AMerica: Anime, Manga, and Art

The El Paso Museum of Art (EPMA)
japAN/AMerica: Anime, Manga, and Art
Thursday, November 19, 2009, 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
at the El Paso Museum of Art, in the Energy Auditorium

Anime is an abbreviated pronunciation of "animation," referring to animation originating in Japan. Manga consists of comics and print cartoons that conform to a style developed in Japan in the late 20th century. Both have origins dating from as far back as the 18th and 19th centuries through the post-WWII era.

Stacy Schultz Ph.D, Assistant Professor of Art History at UTEP, and Polly Perez, Assistant Curator of Education at EPMA, will give a lecture and presentation about the emergence and influence of Japanese Anime and Manga in Contemporary Art and Culture, with an overview of Japanese Art that led to a unique aesthetic movement that seems to be taking over the world.

Anime and Manga are more than a pop-culture phenomenon but aesthetic works with long standing and profound historical and socio-cultural relevance in Japan, as well as a lucrative commercial export.

The presentation will feature a selection of images from Films, Narrative Fiction, Animation, Contemporary Art, Performance Art, and Art History - with particular focus on the work of Takashi Murakami as an example of the convergence of "Pop," History, and Art. The El Paso Museum of Art currently has a sculptural piece from Mr. Murakami on display in the Museum store with corresponding merchandise and books available for purchase.

Admission to this event is FREE.

Teachers, High School, and College students are encouraged to attend.

The El Paso Museum of Art educational programs are dedicated to presenting new insights about art to the community. Please call EPMA at 532-1707 ext. 23 for more information on this or other educational programming, or visit our website at

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