Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Traffic Advisory - 4th Brigade Combat Team Moves Out

EAST FORT BLISS, Texas - Members of the 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division will engage in a three
week-long field training exercise, (FTX), from Monday Jan 31 - Thursday,
Feb17 in and around Northeast El Paso and Southern New Mexico.
Safety is and always will be the number one concern of the Highlander
During the FTX more than 3,000 Soldiers and hundreds of vehicles will be
conducting tactical movements in the Fort Bliss training area. Local
residents should be aware of the large number of Soldiers in Northeast El
Paso and Southern New Mexico, keeping in mind that traffic delays may be a
part of their normal commute.
The units will also be simulating battle situations, often using
pyrotechnics and training ammunition. These training aids, important to the
development of the American Soldier, may be heard or seen from miles away.
If residents encounter a problem they should contact local law enforcement
officials who will immediately contact range control personnel.

Residents of the El Paso and Southern New Mexico should be particularly
aware of the brigade's mass movement to and from the training areas.
These movements to the training areas begin at 5:00AM, JANUARY 31and
conclude the afternoon of FEBRUARY 2.
The route Highlander vehicles are scheduled to take will generally not
disrupt normal traffic, with the exception of the crossing of US 54.
This crossing will be located approximately 15 miles north of Northeast El
Paso, just north of Otero County Detention Facility. There will be a minimum
of four Military Police vehicles warning on-coming vehicles of traffic
hazards. Pay special attention to visibility; large military movements may
create more dust then commuters are accustomed to.

Be aware, the returning movement of brigade vehicles will be from 5:00 AM,
FEBRUARY 16 to the evening of FEBRUARY17. All routes and potential hazards
are the same, and delays should be expected.

The 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division appreciates the help and
consideration the citizens of El Paso and Southern New Mexico extend to the
Soldiers participating in the exercise and ask for their continued
understanding of any inconveniences the training may cause.
Questions concerning the exercise should be referred to the 4th BCT, 1st AD
Public Affairs Office at (915) 744-4657

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