To: All El Paso citizens
From: Pebble Hills Regional Command Center
Please be advised the up-coming Holiday activities create an increase of Burglary of Vehicles and Automobile Thefts at various eastside El Paso apartment parking lots, shopping centers, and gyms. These crimes occur during various hours. The El Paso Police Department reminds you and your family to remain alert and to practice Pro-Active Crime Prevention measures to help reduce the odds of you becoming a victim of crime during the Holidays.
We also request you share this information with your family.
You can be an effective Crime Stopper if you:
Always lock your vehicle and keep your vehicle windows rolled up;
Use an anti-theft device such as a burglar alarm or a steering wheel lock;
Do not leave any packages, electronics, or other valuables in plain sight;
Secure your valuables in your vehicle’s trunk or in an out of sight storage;
Park your vehicle in a secured lighted area;
Report suspicious activity or individuals to the El Paso Police Department
Non-Emergency number 832-4400 or call 911.
These Crimes are Crimes of opportunity. When you practice these tips you
reduce the opportunity.
On behalf of the Officers and staff of the Pebble Hills Regional Command
Center, and the El Paso Police Department, we thank you for your attention
and support.
Pebble Hills Regional Commander Center
10780 Pebble Hills Blvd.
El Paso, TX 79935
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