Monday, April 6, 2009

Cielo Vista Branch Library to become first LEED building

City taking leadership role in LEED Certification

April 7, 2009- The new Cielo Vista Branch Library construction project is one step closer to reality with the action taken today by the City Council to enter into negotiations with Byers Construction, Inc., who submitted the highest ranked proposal. The formal construction award is expected to come before the City Council on April 14, 2009.

In keeping with the City Council policy direction to convert the design and construction of the built environment in our community towards increased energy efficiency and “green” building practices, the new 8,000 square foot facility will become the first municipal building to meet Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification requirements.

On June 10, 2008 the City Council unanimously adopted the United States Green Building Council LEED Silver Certification requirements for the construction of all new and renovated city-owned buildings 5,000 square feet and larger, making El Paso amid the pioneers in the State.

Among the elements evaluated to meet these elevated certification requirements, the new Library comes with an innovative design seeking to optimize energy performance, implement site sustainability factors, incorporate recycled and regional materials and resources and enhance environmental indoor quality. As part of the development and design process of the Cielo Vista Branch Library project, a “LEED Team” comprised of City staff and outside agencies has provided oversight to maximize the opportunities available to realize the desired LEED certification.

Additional Highlights

The LEED Green Building Rating System provides multiple certification levels of which the City has targeted Silver Certification providing for added sustainability measures
Approximately 111 municipalities have implemented LEED programs to date across the country
The Mission Valley Transit Terminal and Visitor Center is another project currently registered for potential LEED Certification

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