Monday, April 27, 2009


Each year, thousands of children become ill from diseases that could have been prevented by basic childhood immunizations. Countless more miss time from day care and school because they are under-immunized or inappropriately immunized.

During the week of April 25, Immunize El Paso will observe National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW), a CDC Prevention initiative designed to raise awareness about the importance of childhood immunizations. Each year during NIIW, the local non-profit leads child immunization programs across the area in hosting activities to promote vaccinations for children of all ages.

Immunize El Paso will provide free immunizations for all children 5 years of age and younger in observance of National Infant Immunization Week. Immunizations can be obtained at the Tillman Health Center located at 222 S. Campbell Street Monday through Friday from 9AM to 12 NOON and from 2PM to 5PM without an appointment. “Providing free immunizations this week provides a wonderful opportunity to remove at least one of the traditional barriers to immunization we may typically see in our area” said Dusty Warden, Outreach Coordinator for Immunize El Paso.

Immunize El Paso will also be hosting a free immunization workshop for school personnel, healthcare providers and anyone interested on Friday, May 1, 2009 from 5:30 – 7:30 PM. “This will be a wonderful opportunity to address those on the front lines of immunizations and to describe some of the new mandates impacting kids enrolling into school next year” added Warden.

For more information regarding any of the community activities planned for National Infant Immunization Week, please contact Immunize El Paso at 915-533-3414 or visit

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